We are Programming for academia

We believe in better software because we make it!

We are proficient in many technologies and tools


Researcher Pain

Brownfield research code

You have written a ton of source code doing the research. The software works marvelously but is notoriously hard to maintain, change and extend. We call it brownfield. We can work with it. We can make it testable. We can make it easy to maintain and to develop.


Researcher Pain

Boring side code to develop

The source code developed for the research is fun to work with but there is a ton of code to write around it. User interface, data entry and visualization, logging and reporting are only some examples. How about we will take over some parts of the code and help you.


Researcher Pain

No real infrastructure

The code works on your machine but it is far away from being production ready. Whatever the production means. Maybe there is a problem with performance or memory gives up when there is a lot of data or there are security or concurrency issues. We will have it fixed!


Researcher Pain

Great research lousy presentation

You have a great research results, publications and conference resonance but how to get the message to the general public? We can create great looking website for your research and make it work seamlessly with the software if needed. Heck: we can even take care of your social media and work a presentation video for you!

Our main services

We are taking care of the boring stuff. Making the code keep-up to the newest standards, creating intuitive user interface.


Software engineering

Including making the code testable, writing unit and integration tests. We create test scenarios and perform manual testing and automate end-to-end tests. We orchestrate the code with sufficient logging and tracebility.


Continuous Integration & Continuous Delivery

Including automation of tests, static code analysis, keeping up good coding standards. We build deployment pipeline and ship the software. We monitor the software.


UX/UI Design

Creating good user interface is hard. We design low and high-quality mockups. We built the UIs according to the latest standards and knowledge about User Experience. We make it intuitive to work with not only for the academics!

Head of our team

"I have been tinkering with software development methods for almost 20 years. I am the author of the book Continuous Integration in .NET, which was published in 2011 by the American publishing house Manning. For almost 15 years, I have been running a company called CODEFUSION in Opole, Poland, where I employ over 30 developers, testers, IT managers, UI/UX specialists and devops. In it, we write custom software for industries such as banking, logistics, construction engineering or cloud automation. In 2023, I received my PhD in applied informatics from the Wrocław University of Technology. Together with my team, I will successfully combine practical software development with active scientific research." - Marcin Kawalerowicz, PhD

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